ICOLEESS: International Conference on Language, Education, Economic and Social Science https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess <p>Based on the articles in this proceeding we can conclude that it is important for academicians, researchers, students, and practitioners to overview and understanding of the education, language, economic, and social science. In education, lecturers or teachers need to know the strategies of teaching and learning in or out of the classroom. Actualizing all aspects concerning the enhancement of education, encouraging lecturers or teachers to grasp for quality in terms of education and strategies of the teaching and learning so that they become more professionals. Teachers should create a good communication atmosphere for the students in the classroom. Besides, create various activities to carry out the teaching-learning process more effectively. The explanation about the language materials or theories helps them in making the language class run easily. Language research gives the experience to the lecturer or teacher to engage language in professional development. The innovative ways, solutions, and good organizing events increase the efficiency of economic activities. Social issues studied from research. It will enrich knowledge and broaden the insights of current issues and information in the areas of social sciences. As we know that the development of social science has a big influence on human life.</p> Institut Agama Islam Pangeran Diponegoro Nganjuk en-US ICOLEESS: International Conference on Language, Education, Economic and Social Science 2716-1986 Table of Contents https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/11 <p>Table of Contents ICOLEESS: International Conference on Language, Education, Economic and Social Science<br><br></p> Suta Copyright (c) 2019 ICOLEESS: International Conference on Language, Education, Economic and Social Science 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 Arabic Learning Based On Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOST) In The 21st Century https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/12 <p>In the 21st century, Indonesia is faced with the swift current of globalization which is a process of order that is owned by people globally without knowing boundaries. This has happened in all areas of life, one of which is education. Education in Indonesia is considered to be the cause of the nation's deterioration because our education does not produce competent human resources so that Indonesia is unable to compete with workers in the ASEAN countries because Indonesia is only ogled as unskilled laborers not skilled workers. To overcome this need a change in learning is no exception in the process of learning Arabic by having a number of abilities needed in the 21st century, namely changing the mindset of students from low-level thinking into high so that students are accustomed to learning "The 4cs" Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication, Collaboration,. This research aims to improve human resources in learning Arabic to compete in the 21st century. The research is , qualitative research with literature study methods reviewing books and journals which will produce Arabic learning concepts in the 21st century.</p> Ayu Desrani Depi Kurniati Asih Indartiwi Kamila Adnani Mar’atun Naziroh Copyright (c) 2019 ICOLEESS: International Conference on Language, Education, Economic and Social Science 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 2 8 The Influence Of Broken Square Games To Improve Ability In Determining Paragraphic Ideas https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/13 <p>This study aims to prove that all children have the potential to develop according to their phases. With the game of Broken Square, the potential of students can be felt seen from the level of creativity, and cohesiveness in solving problems. The method used is quantitative research. Based on data analysis for the pretest test using t-test (t-count = 0.401 and t-table = 5% and df = (25 + 23-2) = 2.0189. So t count &lt;t-table (0.401 &lt;2, 0189) While the data analysis for the post-test uses t-test (t-count = 0.401 and t-table = 5% and df = (25 + 23-2) = 2.0189) So t-table &lt;t count ( 2,0189 &lt;4,425) This shows that the practical hypothesis: "Broken Square language game is effective to improve students' ability to determine the main ideas of Arabic second-grade Arabic text paragraphs in the boarding school salafiyah syafiiyah sukorejo boarding school".</p> Rahmi Diana Faidatul Hasanah Restu Presta Mori Julia Wulandari Copyright (c) 2019 ICOLEESS: International Conference on Language, Education, Economic and Social Science 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 9 16 Development Of Pocket Books In Learning Arabic Language Class IV MI Nurul Huda Nganjuk https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/14 <p>Pocket book media is a complementary media book that can be used by teachers in delivering learning material. This book is small and can be put in a pocket and practically carried everywhere. The type of research used is Research and Development (R&amp;D), which refers to the ADDIE model. The purpose of this research is to produce pocket book products in Arabic learning. The subjects of the study were students of class IV MI Nurul Huda Nganjuk which consisted of 25 students. Data collection used in this development was in the form of a validation instrument distributed to two media experts and two experts in Arabic learning materials, a small group trial of 7 students, and a field test of 25 students. The results of the development of this pocket book media were deemed very feasible to use based on the following analysis: media validation 89.7%, material experts 87.5%, small group trials 92.1%, and field trials 94.3%. As for the test of student learning outcomes managed to achieve mastery in learning and reached KKM 73, with an average learning outcome increased from 69.8 to 82.8. Based on the results of research conducted it can be concluded that the pocket book media in learning Arabic grade IV is very feasible to be used as a learning medium.</p> Siti Khofifah Copyright (c) 2019 ICOLEESS: International Conference on Language, Education, Economic and Social Science 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 17 21 Learning The Arabic Language With Busuu Application https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/15 <p>In the technology era, information and technology (IT) are very important in all activities, which is no exception in learning. In many applications is offered by application maker. Nowadays someone can learn something independently. Busuu is an application developed to help one to learn a foreign language, such as the Arabic language. The learning level used on the application used international standards, beginning from beginner level (A1), basic level (A2), intermediate (B1), and advanced (B2). This application is a supply subject matter on an audiovisual form that can increase four skills in the Arabic language (Maharah Kalam, Maharah Istima’, Maharah Kitabah, Maharah Qira’ah). This Busuu application is possible to prepare someone able to communicate with the Arabic language.</p> Asmaul husna Muhammad Hadziq Arrodhi Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 22 31 Language Acquisition In A Second Language Environment https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/16 <p>Language acquisition is the process whereby children acquire their first languages.&nbsp; First language becomes an important thing as a basic language for human. Acquisition (as opposed to learning) depends on children receiving linguistic input during the critical period. The critical period is defined as the window of time, up to about the age of twelve or puberty, in which humans can acquire first languages. Language plays an institutional and social role in the community. It functions as a recognized means of communication among members who speak some other language as their native tongue. Language acquisition is the unconscious process in learning a language. Children exposed to a language at an early age internalize rules with the aid of which they are able to generate sentences. There are some theories of second language acquisition can be broadly classified into <em>Behaviorist&nbsp;theory</em>,<em>Nativist Theory,Cognitive theory, and </em><em>Social Interactionist Theory.</em></p> Rona Merita Atour Rohman Syahroni Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 32 40 Improving Teaching Conversation Using Some Techniques https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/17 <p>Language is a means of communication or speaking. In this case, as a human being, it must be able to communicate or speak orally. For human being having a good English is important especially for the students because it becomes the bridge to know the world. Speaking is also the important activity in language class. It is one of the basic competences which should be mastered by the students. It means that teaching conversation needs to be developed. Furthermore, one of the English teaching aims is to develop the students’ competence in communicating both oral and written language to resolve their daily problems. The communicative competence taught in learning English covers four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Language has a main role in students’ intellectual, social, and emotional development and it is the key towards the successful studying all of the subject. Speaking or conversation is considered as skill which students rather difficult to work with. Conversation is one of the basic competences which should be mastered by the students. conversation is a speech production that becomes a part of our daily activities. Conversation means creative process; an active interaction between speaker and listener that involves thought and emotion. Some techniques can be used to improve teaching conversation. They are such as situational practice, the self-directed, dialogue, improvisation, small-group and discussion.</p> Anik Indramawan Noor Hafidhoh Sutamaji Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 41 47 The Importance Of Educational Psychology For Teachers https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/18 <p>This study aims to reveal the important of the existence of educational psychology for teacher in classroom teaching and to describe the nature of educational psychology, the benefits of educational psychology for teachers, the difference between teachers who have not and have studied educational psychology, the important role of educational psychology for teachers, and the subject of educational psychology that teachers need to know in the learning process. To answer the research question here researcher used library research design, in which the data collection in this study was carried out by examining or exploring several journals, books, and several documents as well as several other sources of data or information deemed relevant to this research. The results of this study explained that it is required for teachers and prospective teachers to be able to manage the class and have sufficient knowledge about educational psychology and it is not only mastered on the subject matter. It aims to determine the development of students, both the needs and interests of their students. For teachers who have never studied educational psychology, instinct and experience can be used by teachers in teaching their students. These actions can be done when facing problems at school. Besides, knowledge about educational psychology can serve as a support.</p> Sokip Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 49 67 The Effectiveness Of Contextual Teaching And Learning Science Worksheet To Improve The Process Skill For Primary Student https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/19 <p>This research aimed to know the effectiveness of CTL Science Worksheet to improve the process skill for 4<sup>th</sup> grade of primary students. This research used quasi experimental design in nonequivalent pre-post control group design. Based on the results of the effectiveness test, the gain score (N-gain) of experimental group showed (0.70) &gt; control group (0.35) and student process skill have improved for each indicator. Based on the research that have been done, it concluded that CTL Worksheet capable to improve the process skill of 4<sup>th</sup> grade student.</p> Noviardani Kartika Prameswari Margaretha Ordo Servitri Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 68 71 Learning Tools Development With Project Based Learning Model To Improve The Critical Thinking Ability Of Primary School Students In Science Subject https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/20 <p>This study aims to develop a decent learning tools (valid, practical, and effective). This research is based on the low ability of critical thinking of students. This research uses Dick &amp; Carey model which is tested on grade V SDN Kebraon 1. The result of research shows that learning tools developed reaches average score above 3,6 which means valid. The test results of practicality of instructional devices show the average percentage obtained exceeds 75% which means performed very well. While the results of the effectiveness test is known that the percentage obtained exceeds 75% which means the response of students is very positive, and equal to 58.3% increased N-Gain calculation after the critical thinking evaluation test. The final results indicate that learning tools developed are appropriate for use in the learning process.</p> Ayu Hartini Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 72 79 Increasing Teacher Quality Effort Through Training And Learning Activities On MGMP PAI To Increasing Learning Management In Tulungagung https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/22 <p>The teacher is a determinant factor in education organization success. The teacher is the main key to learning success. Learning is a combination of two activities include teaching and learning. The teacher must be able to create a learning situation that educative interaction and done many innovations to improve learning quality. The low teacher quality on learning is required to make a community of teacher profession on subject matter teacher forum namely&nbsp;<em>Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP</em>). MGMP is as effective means resolve difficulty on learning through training, it can increase the quality of competency and teacher professionalism.</p> Aminatul Zahroh Khurotin Anggraeni Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 80 91 Application of the "Chain of True or False" Strategy in Social Studies Learning to Motivate Student Learning for Class V MIN 4 Jombang https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/24 <p>In this study the method used is descriptive analytical method, in which in this method the researcher not only describes but also integrates. The object of research in the application of the "Chain of True or False" strategy is the students of class V MIN 4 Jombang. While the data collection techniques used are observation and questionnaires. After the research is conducted, researchers get a result that the "Chain of True or False" strategy is able to make students motivated in learning because of the scent of competition in implementing this strategy. For this reason, it is not wrong if the teacher tries to apply this strategy in classroom learning.</p> Siska Nur Wahida M. Bambang Edi Siswanto Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 92 96 Character Education In MA Al Muhajirin South Sumatera Based On Thomas Lickona Perspective https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/25 <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bentuk-bentuk dari pendidikan karakter,&nbsp; penyebab dari gagalnya pendidikan karakter dan nilai karakter yang perlu dikembangkan di MA Al-Muhajirin berdasarkan perspektif Thomas Lickona. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif. Alat pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian berupa guru, siswa, dan orang tua. Teknik validasi data menggunakan peningkatan ketekunan, triangulasi, dan diskusi dengan teman sejawat atau ahli. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini akan menggunakan teknik analisis data menurut&nbsp; Matthew dan Michael. Analisis menurut Matthew dan Michael dibagi ke dalam tiga langkah yang dilakukan secara bersamaan, yaitu: reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian berupa: 1) terdapat pendidikan karakter dalam bentuk ketulusan hati, belas kasih, gagah berani, kasih sayang, kontrol diri, kerjasama, dan kerja keras; 2) Siswa memiliki sifat tinggi hati yang tinggi, minimnya kesadaran guru sebagai tenaga pendidik bukan hanya pengajar, Minimnya komunikasi antar wali kelas, guru BP dan kesiswaan mengenai permasalahan permasalahan yang terjadi, minimnya kerjasama antara guru dan orang tua, latar belakang pendidikan guru yang bukan dari jurusan pendidikan, latar belakang pendidikan orang tua yang rendah, kurangnya perhatian orang tua di rumah, lingkungan yang kurang mendukung keberhasilan pendidikan karakter siswa kurang bijak dalam menggunakan sosial media, kurangnya kemampuan dalam menyaring hal- hal yang tidak baik, kurangnya sikap menghargai diri sendiri; 3) mengajarkan siswa untuk tetap bersikap rendah hati atas pencapaian yang telah dicapai, peningkatan kesadaran guru dalam menjalankan tugasnya sebagai pendidik agar siswanya tidak hanya sekedar pintar tapi juga memiliki akhlak yang mulia, memaksimalkan komunikasi antar wali kelas, guru BP dan kesiswaan mengenai permasalah- permasalahan&nbsp; yang terjadi, melakukan komunikasi tiga arah antara guru, siswa dan orang tua, adanya sosialisasi dari guru tentang pendidikan karakter, guru lebih memperhatikan siswa, orang tua lebih memperhatikan anak- anaknya, sosialiasi penggunaan sosial media dengan bijak, dan mengajarkan siswa agar lebih menghargai diri sendiri.</p> Atikah Marwa Nurul Kamalia Tenti Novela Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 97 105 Character Education Based on Pesantren and Contribution of Indonesia Civilization https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/26 <p>Pesantren is an institute conduct Islamic Dakwah in Indonesia which plural perception. Pesantren is a ritual institute, coaching moral institute, dakwah institute, and the most popular is an Islamic education institute that has experience progress and romance of life on face internal and external challenging. Pesantren is an educational institute has been in the middle of society since six century (beginning 15 century until now). Pesantren have ever as one of the education institutions own by indigen society which given a big contribution to creating an Indonesia society. Pesantren includes Kyai (teacher), Santri (Student) and society in around Pesantren. Pesantren is built character attribute through mutual help, sincerity, simplicity, and independent. Based on this value, pesantren is an education institution has an open characteristic, religion education institute is open by all people who need religion knowledge, without ties if they want to deepen religion knowledge. Pesantren is an educational institution has a characteristic that has not in abroad.</p> Nurul Syalafiyah Budi Harianto Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 106 114 The Impacts Of Learning Motivation, Teaching Quality And Peers On Academic Achevements In Cost Accounting Course https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/27 <p>Academic achievements signify students' subject mastery. There are two factors influencing academic achevements, which are internal and extenal factors. Internal factors come from within the students' own psyches and the external factors are factors that influence students from outside of their psyches. According to Slameto (2010:54), internal factors include physical health, disability status, intelligence, attention, interest, talent, learning motivation, readiness, attitude, and fatigue. External factors include parenting techniques, family relationship, house atmosphere, teaching technques, teacher-student relationship, building condition, peers and school time. This research aims to analyze the impacts of learning motication, teaching quality and peers on academic achievement in cost accounting course. Tbe populations of this research are 199 third semester Diploma 4 and Diploma 3 students of Accounting Major in State Polytechnic of Malang The research method utilized is dual regression analysis. The results of this research indicate that learning motivation has positive and significant results on academic achievements, while teaching quality and peers do not influence academic achievements in Cost Accounting course. Simultaneously, learning motivation, teaching quality, and peers positively and significantly influence the academic achievement in Cost Accounting course.</p> Novi Nugrahani Anna Isrowiyah Achmad Jarnuzi Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 115 124 Islamic Education In The Prespective Of Islamic Nusantara https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/28 <p>This research is grounded by the phenomenon that requires for Islamic education to return to its historical roots, this is done to affirm identity, character, and uniqueness. Indonesian Islamic Education can not be separated from the history of da'wah and its characteristics pioneered by the guardians, merchants, mubaligh. History becomes the main reflection as well as the main data to formulate the ideal type of Islamic education or the present. There is a spirit that is timeless, even underlying the ideal education model in the contemporary era that is the spirit of Islamic education ala the wali find the momentum and at the same time the container through three existing educational institutions: cottage, campus, and customary institutions. All three require integration effort, synergy, and contextual modification. If the system of these three institutions are connected then the epistemology of Islamic education typical of the archipelago can be realized.</p> Nik Hariyati Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 125 134 Education in Conflict Structural Perspective https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/29 <p>The study and analysis of the sociology of education initiated by Durkheim and Weber and their students' resumes. Social paradigm of education development initiated by the figures - figures from the world of education of the United States and also from European countries. In Indonesia alone, the study of sociology and sociology of education is long enough to be introduced, namely through the course on student teachers in colleges with the aim that students have the vision and mission as well as the ability to see the educational process sociologically .</p> <p>In the sociology of education there are a variety of perspectives, including the perspective of macro-dimensional study (study objective approach) and micro-dimensional perspective study (study subjective approach). In studying the problem of education, sociology oriented macros will look at institutions, groups, educational and cultural structures. Theory - social theory is the study of the macro as functional structural theory, the structure of the conflict, Marxian, and dependent theory, tend to look at how education is organized, educational institutions are formed, and school culture is a socialized and developed educational system. setbacksin education sought an explanation from behind the school and the structure of the system or the system or the structure of society. These studies look at how the educational system is developed, who benefits from the system, whether an education system that was developed to create a sense of justice</p> Muhammad Syaifullah Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 135 148 Effectiveness of Quantum Teaching Model Using Handphone Android Media Toward Student Achievement Motivation On Indonesian Language Learning In The Industrial Revolution 4.0 https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/30 <p>The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of a quantum teaching model with an android handphone on student achievement motivation in learning Indonesian in the industrial revolution era 4.0. This type of research uses quasy experiment. The data analysis test uses the Independent-Samples-t Test with SPSS. The results showed the sign value obtained was smaller than α = 0.05 (0,000 &lt;0.05) and the average score of the student achievement motivation questionnaire in the class that was taught with a quantum teaching model with an android handphone was 53.23 and the class taught the quantum teaching model without using android handphones has an average score of 50.16, so the achievement motivation of students in Indonesian lectures in classes taught with the quantum teaching model with an android handphone is more effective than classes taught with a quantum teaching model without using an android handphone . The quantum teaching model using the android handphone is effectively used on Indonesian language learning in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0.</p> Suhartono Imam Taufiq Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 149 158 Application of Make A Match Cooperative Learning Model To Improve The Results Of Learning Social Knowledge Science Students In Class Iii Mi Roudlotul Ulum Jabalsari Sumbergempol Tulungagung https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/31 <p>The application of the cooperative learning model type make a match class III MI Roudlotul Ulum Jabalsari Sumbergempol Tulungagung, the purpose of this study is (1) To explain the increase in student cooperation in social studies learning activities in cooperation materials at home, school and village / village through the application of cooperative learning model type make a match class III MI Roudlotul Ulum Jabalsari Sumbergempol Tulungagung (2) To explain the increase in activeness of students in social studies learning activities in collaboration material in the home, school and village / village environment through the application of cooperative learning model make a match class III MI Roudlotul Ulum Jabalsari Sumbergempol Tulungagung. (3) To explain the improvement of social studies learning outcomes of cooperation material in the environment of homes, schools, and villages / villages through the application of cooperative learning models make a match type III MI Roudlotul Ulum Jabalsari Sumbergempol Tulungagung. This study uses action research research, Based on research that researchers have done then: (1) increasing student cooperation, (2) student learning activeness increases, (3) the percentage of learning outcomes increases with very good categories</p> Bintan Taskurina Hardiningtyas Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 159 163 Development Teaching Material Science And Religion Integration Based On Multimedia At MIN Malang 2 https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/32 <p>Teaching material is a tool to contain material used on learning evaluation with systematical design and interest. The development of teaching material with science and religion integration based on multimedia. Fact, teaching material is not available yet with science and religion integration especially for the learner in an Islamic educational institution. On the other hand, the availability of infrastructure is an advantage maximal yet. In this scientific study, the researcher used field research. The purpose of the study is to know effectivities and interest teaching material used learning process. The method used in this research is&nbsp;<em>the Research and Development</em>&nbsp;method. The model used on the teaching material method is&nbsp;<em>the ADDIE</em>&nbsp;model<em>.&nbsp;</em>The steps on teaching material development divide into five steps are. (1)&nbsp;<em>analysis</em>, (2)&nbsp;<em>design</em>, (3)&nbsp;<em>development</em>, (4)&nbsp;<em>implementation</em>, (5)&nbsp;<em>evaluation</em>. The research takes place at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Negeri Malang 2. This development has produced a product like teaching material with science and religion integration based on multimedia. This product has trial through many steps with series are, (1) professional validation of content material, professional media or teaching material design, and professional natural science (IPA) learning at elementary school, (2) The trial small group, and field trial.</p> Afina Wastyanti Aina Noor Habibah Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 164 171 Strategic Management Of Education To Enhance Environmental-Oriented Competitiveness On Industrial 4.0 https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/33 <p>This research is motivated by the strategy carried out by the management including collaborating with alumni to promote their alma mater in new prospective students in their neighborhoods and workplaces. This strategy is considered to be able to increase competitiveness, by building a culture of scientific excellence that makes quality and tough students face the challenges of the times. This research uses a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are in-depth interviews, observation, Focus Group Discussion, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used in this study are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions / verification. From the results of this study, the researcher concludes that: competitive strategies are carried out by: a) an increasingly greater demand for good communication with the foundation for the advancement of madrasas, increasing education staff and infrastructure, b) Offers to outsiders by preparing and managing students well, integrating Learning from the curriculum of the Ministry of religion and the salafiyah curriculum. c) Marketing by combining learning of the Ministry of religion curriculum and the Salafiyah curriculum, costs allocated according to the budget, alumni become real live brochures, using the website and having a marching competition, access to madrasas is very easy, and location expansion. Based on internal and external analysis above, the institution is in a stable growth strategy which means that the situation is favorable because boarding schools have opportunities and strengths, boarding schools can take full advantage of opportunities so as to be able to implement strategies that support aggressive growth policies.</p> Agus Tohawi Juni Iswanto F. Ari Barata Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 172 190 Profesionalisme Guru Di Era Milenial dan Industri 4.0 https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/34 <p>Revolusi 4.0 menuntut guru harus professional dalam dunia pendidikan. Peranan guru dalam dunia pendidikan sangatlah urgen, karena syarat dari belajar adalah adanya guru. Sebagai guru yang hidup atau berada di era global saat ini, kita dituntut untuk kreatif dan menguasai tekhnologi agar tidak tertinggal oleh arus zaman. Tidak dapat dipungkiri era globalisasi menuntut kita harus aktif, kreatif, menguasai tekhnologi. Jika kita tidak bisa mengikuti arus perkembangan zaman moderen saat ini, maka kita akan tertinggal dengan yang lain.</p> Soim Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 191 202 Increasing The Students’ Ability Of Rationalizing And Representation Through Open Ended Learning Approaches In Islamic Vocational School, Al Qomar https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/35 <p>Learning approaches which are often used by teachers in the classroom are more likely to use ordinary learning, hence very few students are given the opportunity to actualize the ability of rationalizing and representing problems in Math. The ability of rationalizing and representation is an ability needed by students in learning mathematics, to get student learning outcomes to be optimal. Therefore, the teacher can choose and apply an effective learning approach to improve students' rationalizing and representation abilities.</p> <p>This study implemented mathematics learning with the Open-Ended approach. One of learning approaches which can effectively improve rationalizing and representation ability. This study aimed to determine the increase in students' rationalizing and ability through mathematics learning with the Open-Ended approach, to find out the differences of students’ rationalizing and representation ability between the students who got mathematics learning with the Open-Ended approach and ordinary mathematics learning, and the students’ responses who were taught by Open –Ended learning approach. The population of this study was the 10<sup>th</sup> grade students of AL Qomar Islamic Vocational School. The method used was an experimental method randomly selected two classes to be used as an experimental and control class. The data obtained in this study were quantitative and qualitative data. This study obtained a pretest and posttest design which could be seen the differences of students’ rationalizing and representation ability for the two classes.</p> <p>&nbsp;Based on the results of the study concluded that the ability of rationalizing and representation ability of students who got mathematics learning with Open-Ended was better. And the data processing with level of 5% students’ rationalizing and representation of experimental class, who were taught using learning with the Open-Ended approach was higher than ordinary learning, with an average of experimental class 33.79 and control class 29.07. From the results of the questionnaire it can be concluded that the students' responses were very positive towards mathematics learning with the Open-Ended approach. Therefore mathematics learning with the Open-Ended approach can be used as an alternative to improve students' rationalizing and representation abilities.</p> Sony Eko Adisaputro Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 203 215 قراءة الكتب التراث لطلاب اصول الدين بالجامعة الاسلامية فاعيران ديفونكورو عانجوك جاوى الشرقية اندونيسيا https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/36 <p>فهم القران مع ما ينصر وما يحتاج اليه فى فهمه من اللغة العربية و ادواتها وغيرها&nbsp; شيئ لا محالة لكل مسلم ومسلمة معرفته. لآنها لغة القرأن و لغة الاسلام . يجب لكل مسلم ان يتعلم و يعرف اللغة العربية خصوصا لمن يتعلم&nbsp; ويفهم&nbsp; الاسلام و معانى القرأن او التفسير. لان القران اساس الاسلام و جامع لجميع</p> Moch Bachrudin Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 216 220 Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/37 <p>Rendahnya mutu pendidikan di Indonesia sebenarnya merupakan diskusi yang telah lama ada. Namun hingga saat ini permasalahn mutu pendidikan tidak juga kunjung selesai. Pendidikan yang berkualitas merupakan harapan dan tuntutan seluruh stakeholder pendidikan. Semua orang tentunya akan lebih suka menntut ilmu pada lembaga yang memiliki mutu yang baik. Atas dasar ini maka sekolah/ lembaga pendidikan harus dapat memberikan pelayanan dan mutu yang baik agar tidak ditinggalkan dan mampu bersaing dengan lembaga pendidikan lainnya. Dari berbagai pandangan, kriteria serta indikator yang dapat kita ambil bahwa pendidikan yang bermutu dapat ditingkatkan apabila sekolah memiliki 1) dukungan dari pemerintah, 2) Kepemimpinan Kepala sekolah yang efektif, 3) Kinerja guru yang baik, 4) kurikulum yang relevan, 5) lulusan yang berkualitas, 6) budaya dan iklim organisasi yang efektif,&nbsp; 7)&nbsp; dukungan&nbsp; masyarkat&nbsp; dan&nbsp; orang&nbsp; tua&nbsp; siswa.&nbsp; Implementasi&nbsp; manajemen&nbsp; dalamp eningkatan mutu pendidikan merupakan sebuah solusi nyata yang menjadi harapan agar dapat mengelola indikator mutu pendidikan untuk saling bersinergi dalam upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan.</p> Imam Bukori Kotimatul Munawaroh Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 221 237 Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Dalam Lembaga Pendidikan Islam https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/38 <p>Pada hakikat peningkatan SDM adalah bagian daripada kewajiban Negara untuk menjalankan amanah undang-undang 1945 juga menjaga stabilitas Negara, jangan sampai&nbsp; kehancuran negara ini disebabkan oleh kebodohan rakyat dan pemimpinnya. Maka dari itu, adannya program-program peningkatan kualitas SDM dil naungan lembaga pendidikan</p> Imam Khowim Ana Muyasaroh Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 238 257 Optimizing The Role Of Youth In Asean Region To Meet 21ST Century Challenges https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/39 <p>ASEAN is a stirring and vibrant region with nearly half of its 630 million people aged below 35. It has one of the best resources possible which is human capital to embrace the very real challenges of the Industry 4.0 economy. Youths are the backbone of a nation. It is utmost necessary to create skills, behaviour, awareness, welfare-attitudes and a sense of ethical responsibilities among the youths to anticipate the needs of the economy and prepare a highly skilled workforce in order to build a competitive republic. This paper reviews the roles of youth in ASEAN region. Poverty, unemployment rates are constantly higher in this region which is causing a prolonged and frustrating situation for the youths. When, the industry is demanding highly skilled professionals to support the economy, the educational institutes struggling to produce an employable workforce for the job market. Online libraries and Google scholar electronic databases were researched from 2009 to 2019 using free-text words and youth subject headings relevant to the topic. Most studies identified were exploratory and of varying methodological design. The inclusion studies found that there are several initiatives taken by the ASEAN members which need to be scrutinized. The carry out of collaborative research to endorse industry competitiveness and innovation has been largely missing in the region’s youth development landscape. These challenges need to be addressed urgently and orient better learning to optimize the role of youths for its full economic development potential.</p> Ahasanul Haque SMH Kabir Zohurul Anis Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 259 274 Cryptocurrency Dalam Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi di Indonesia Perspektif Hukum Islam The Perspective of Islamic Law On Cryptocurrency For Commodity Future Exchange in Indonesia https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/40 <p>Cryptocurrency adalah mata uang virtual yang berada di dunia maya dan tidak memiliki bentuk benda yang konkrit. Salah satu uang virtualnya adalah bitcoin. Penggunaan bitcoin sebagai alat pembayaran dalam transaksi jual beli online pada era disrupsi 4.0 menjadi marak dan tak terbendung, meski Pemerintah telah melarang praktek tersebut. Pada awal tahun 2019, Pemerintah Indonesia telah menerbitkan peraturan tentang dilegalkannya bitcoin (kripto aset) dalam Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi. Dwi fungsi bitcoin sebagai komoditas dan transaksi online ini menimbulkan pro dan kontra di kalangan pakar ekonomi dan ulama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapat gambaran terkait keabsahan penggunaan uang kripto dalam perdagangan berjangka komoditi menurut perspektif hukum Islam dan peluang bitcoin sebagai komoditas dalam&nbsp; kontrak derivatif syariah. Teori terapan yang digunakan ialah teori transaksi bisnis yang sah dan batil dalam Islam. Penelitian ini merupakan studi pustaka dan bersifat kualitatif. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analitis dengan pendekatan hukum Islam yuridis normatif. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil bahwa uang kripto bisa digunakan sebagai komoditas dalam perdagangan komoditi di Indonesia dengan syarat Pemerintah menciptakan uang kripto sendiri yang terlindung (underlying asset). Sementara itu, bitcoin tidak bisa dijadikan sebagai komoditas dalam Kontrak Derivatif Syariah, karena bitcoin masih mengandung unsur spekulasi (maysir) yang bersifat untung-untungan. Kedudukan hukumnya adalah haram lighairihi atau haram karena faktor luar.</p> Teddy Kusuma Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 275 293 Strategies In Alleviating Gepeng (Homeless People And Beggars) In Jabodetabek https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/41 <p>This research aims to find out the management strategies in alleviating the numbers of gepeng (homeless people and beggars) in Jabodetabek and to find out the barrier and support factors in alleviating the homeless and beggars.</p> <p>This research applies qualitative descriptive method. The objects of this research consist of educators, staffs of shelter, the children of gepeng, and the communities nearby the homeless people and beggars around Jabodetabek area. The data were collected by observation, document analysis, and interview. Analysis technique used in this research refers to the interactive model of data analysis, that is triangulation.</p> <p>This research found out that there were some management strategies to alleviate homeless people and beggars or gepeng in Jabodetabek. First is by planning, that is to empower gepeng, to socialize the importance of education for future’s life, to conduct training on farming, sewing, painting, and to improve passion to survive. Second is by executing them and by conducting internship.&nbsp; Third is by coordinating them with programs of mental assistance, physical assistance, social assistance, and working assistance. The last is by evaluating, which is to find out barriers in alleviating homeless people and beggars. The barrier and support factors found using SWOT analyses were commitment on vision, lack of human resources, and lack of support from people though government support a lot.</p> Yenny Merinatul Hasanah Nisak Ruwah Ibnatur Husnul Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 295 303 Poverty Alleviation: Policy Implementation For Hope Family Program https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/42 <p>This paper will analyze the implementation of the family hope program policy in the Airlangga Village, Surabaya City. The hope family program is a way for the government to intend to improve the quality of life of poor and vulnerable families through increased accessibility to health, education and social welfare services. Using a qualitative approach, this article finds that the implementation of policies on the family of hope program has not been effective in achieving its goals. Although viewed from the output (output) such as access, service accuracy, and the suitability of the program with the needs of the recipient has been implemented well. But in terms of outputs in the form of coverage and bias, there are people who are registered as recipients of the family program but do not get it. Instead there are recipients of a family of hope program who are not eligible to receive the assistance. So it is suggested that the Ministry of Social Affairs needs to involve outsiders in the framework of coordination to determine the community that is entitled or eligible to receive PKH assistance. Recipients who are not eligible for PKH assistance, funds can be transferred to recipients who are eligible to receive assistance. So that the additional aid will ease the burden or it can be proportional to meeting the needs needed.</p> Rahimullah Erna Setijaningrum Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 304 313 Potential Development Strategy Of Lakkang Island Tourism Village Makassar City https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/43 <p>The aims of research are to carry out the potential of Lakkang island tourism village which is seen from four aspects those are strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat, and also to know the strategy of development of tourism village in Lakkang Island. This research based on quantitative and qualitative method. Quantitative data was directly from observations and interviews with the questionnaires besides, the supporting data was from library resource and then analized by SWOT analysis. Based on analysis result, Internal factors (a) strength: beautiful of nature are the most significant influence on the development of tourism village in Lakkang island, (b) Weakness: Belimbing Lakkang island tourism village is not yet ready to receive the tourists, since the lack quality of the environmental cleanliness. External factors (a) Opportunity: value of the people who always maintain and preserve traditional cultural, (b) Threat: threat of competition with others regions in the development of rural tourism. Based on SWOT analysis obtained the development strategy such as follows; S-O Strategy is a strategy for developing a variety of village tourism products based on the uniqueness of local potential, enhancing the marketing strategy of tourism products in the Lakkang island tourism village.W-O Strategy builds marketing networks with tourism stakeholders by developing a quasi-public government-private partnership of model promotion. S-T Strategy is a strategy to improve security systems based on customary and cultural villages and strategies for implementing tourism industry product certification through business certification institution. W-T strategy is to increase the competency of Human Resources (HR) in the field of tourism through professional certification institution and increase public awareness of tourism and seven values in tourism.Based on the conclusion of the SWOT matrix, the priority that can be done is to develop a variety of rural tourism products based on the uniqueness of local potentials and to build marketing networks with tourism stakeholders by developing a quasi-public government-private partnership model promotion.</p> Moh. Hatta Dinar Nasrullah Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 314 321 Spiritual Soul Of People Practice Shalawat Wahidiyah https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/44 <p><em>Shalawat Wahidiyah</em>&nbsp;is practice guidance outward and inner in the series of&nbsp;<em>Do’ a Shalawat</em>&nbsp;to prophet Muhammad peace be upon him as written of sheet Shalawat Wahidiyah, include the way and learning experience. There are five teachings of&nbsp;<em>Wahidiyah</em>&nbsp;that must be implemented in daily life, Now the meaning of the lesson Wahidiyah is Practice guidance inner and outward in implementation the massager of Rasulullah includes sharia and essence, increasing faith, Islamic implementation, and present&nbsp;<em>Ihsan</em>, creating moral or&nbsp;<em>Akhlak</em>. An activity of people practices&nbsp;<em>Shalawat Wahidiyah</em>&nbsp;is&nbsp;<em>Mujahadah</em>&nbsp;<em>Yaumiyah&nbsp;</em>(daily),&nbsp;<em>Mujahadah</em>&nbsp;<em>Usbu’iyyah&nbsp;</em>(weekly),&nbsp;<em>Mujahadah</em>&nbsp;<em>Syahriyah&nbsp;</em>(monthly),&nbsp;<em>and Mujahadah</em>&nbsp;<em>Kubra&nbsp;</em>(big).&nbsp;<em>Mujahadah</em>&nbsp;in&nbsp;<em>Wahidiyah</em>&nbsp;is a fight of lust seriously directed to self-awareness&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>Fafirru Ila Allah wa Rasullih</em>. The implementation of M<em>ujahadah Shalawat Wahidiyah,&nbsp;</em>there is a reader of&nbsp;<em>Nida’</em>&nbsp;from four corners with stand up, its mean mentality invites to all people&nbsp;<em>Jami’al ‘Alamin</em>&nbsp;themselves, and family in other that aware and subjugate to Allah SWT.&nbsp;<em>Dana Box</em>&nbsp;is a&nbsp;<em>Wahidiyah</em>&nbsp;lesson from&nbsp;<em>Muallif</em>, to apply by people practice by&nbsp;<em>Wahidiyah</em>&nbsp;routine with ability, awareness and each sincerity. Broadcasting&nbsp;<em>Shalawat Wahidiyah</em>&nbsp;can be lived in a large society without seeing fur, the basic of broadcasting&nbsp;<em>“</em>without seeing fur<em>”</em>&nbsp;is following Rasulullah Saw track.</p> Yuni Pangestutiani Muhamad Ali Anwar Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 322 332 Jumlah Ayat Al-Qur’an Bukan 6666 Yang Telah Dikenal Masyarakat https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/45 <p>Jumlah ayat al-Qur’an dikenal masyarakat khususnya di Indonesia sebanyak 6666. Bahkan terdapat di buku-buku bacaan, pelajaran mulai SD, SMP, SMA atau yang sederajat yang menuliskan jumlah ayat al-Qur’an ada 6666. Penulis membuktikan ketika kuliah S2 jurusan Ilmu Tafsir di PTIQ Jakarta, mahasiswa sebanyak sekitar 15 orang dan yang hafal al-Qur’an 5 orang. Ditanya oleh Profesor Ilmu al-Qur’an tentang jumlah ayat al-Qur’an semua serentak menjawab 6666. Bahkan&nbsp; 5 orang yang hafal al-Qur’an pun menjawab 6666. Kemudian Profesor menyuruh untuk menghitung ayat al-Qur’an ternyata berjumlah 6236 ayat. Penulis ketika mengajar mahasiswa di sebuah Instutut Agama Islam. Setiap menanya kepada mahasiswa tentang berapa jumlah ayat al-Qur’an, mereka menjawab 6666. Di madrasah Aliyah pun juga siswa-siswinya menjawab 6666. Melihat fakta tersebut, maka perlu <em>ishlah</em> untuk menerangkan jumlah ayat al-Qur’an yang sebenarnya.</p> <p>Penulis menyajikan dua mus<u>h</u>af al-Qur’an yang berbeda, yaitu pertama, <em>Bi ar-Riwâyati Hafsh li Qirâ’ati&nbsp; Âshim </em>merupakan mushaf untuk Indonesia dengan jumlah&nbsp; 6236 ayat, hal ini menurut perhitungan ulama Kufah. Kedua, <em>Bi ar-Riwâyati Warsy li Qirâ’ati Nâfi’ </em>dengan jumlah 6214 ayat, hal ini merupakan perhitungan ulama Madinah.</p> Agung Mandiro Cahyono Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 333 337 Porosity and Density Analysis Using Regression Tests and Analysis of Elasticity Modules https://proceedings.iaipd-nganjuk.ac.id/index.php/icoleess/article/view/46 <p>A polynomial regression test was performed to find out the relationship of density to porosity. With a regression test, the correlation between density and porosity can be known to looking for the right order. The right order to use is order 3 which has the value of y= -0,0002x<sup>3</sup> + 0,0102x<sup>2</sup> - 0,1104x + 3,3713 with a value of R2 = 0.78. Based on the porosity, density, and scale values it can be concluded that in this area there are types of limestone. Besides, the Modulus of Elasticity calculation has been carried out to determine the distribution of rock types found in the Karst area of Batu Maros Forest. The average rock found in the Maros Forest area is limestone as evidenced by the compatibility of the Modulus of Elasticity in the table of rock types and the modulus of elasticity that is equal to 14.78779916, 16.27819781 and 20.79792362 and the rest is a gypsum stone type so that the prospect can be used as raw material for making cement.</p> Kafila Arzy Safitri Indri Silvia Dewi Amelia Rosana Putri Copyright (c) 2019-12-31 2019-12-31 1 1 338 343