Poverty Alleviation: Policy Implementation For Hope Family Program

  • Rahimullah Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Erna Setijaningrum Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Policy Implementation, Poverty


This paper will analyze the implementation of the family hope program policy in the Airlangga Village, Surabaya City. The hope family program is a way for the government to intend to improve the quality of life of poor and vulnerable families through increased accessibility to health, education and social welfare services. Using a qualitative approach, this article finds that the implementation of policies on the family of hope program has not been effective in achieving its goals. Although viewed from the output (output) such as access, service accuracy, and the suitability of the program with the needs of the recipient has been implemented well. But in terms of outputs in the form of coverage and bias, there are people who are registered as recipients of the family program but do not get it. Instead there are recipients of a family of hope program who are not eligible to receive the assistance. So it is suggested that the Ministry of Social Affairs needs to involve outsiders in the framework of coordination to determine the community that is entitled or eligible to receive PKH assistance. Recipients who are not eligible for PKH assistance, funds can be transferred to recipients who are eligible to receive assistance. So that the additional aid will ease the burden or it can be proportional to meeting the needs needed.
