Character Education Based on Pesantren and Contribution of Indonesia Civilization
Pesantren is an institute conduct Islamic Dakwah in Indonesia which plural perception. Pesantren is a ritual institute, coaching moral institute, dakwah institute, and the most popular is an Islamic education institute that has experience progress and romance of life on face internal and external challenging. Pesantren is an educational institute has been in the middle of society since six century (beginning 15 century until now). Pesantren have ever as one of the education institutions own by indigen society which given a big contribution to creating an Indonesia society. Pesantren includes Kyai (teacher), Santri (Student) and society in around Pesantren. Pesantren is built character attribute through mutual help, sincerity, simplicity, and independent. Based on this value, pesantren is an education institution has an open characteristic, religion education institute is open by all people who need religion knowledge, without ties if they want to deepen religion knowledge. Pesantren is an educational institution has a characteristic that has not in abroad.