Learning The Arabic Language With Busuu Application

  • Asmaul husna IAI Pangeran Diponegoro Nganjuk
  • Muhammad Hadziq Arrodhi IAI Pangeran Diponegoro Nganjuk
Keywords: Busuu Application, Learning Arabic Language


In the technology era, information and technology (IT) are very important in all activities, which is no exception in learning. In many applications is offered by application maker. Nowadays someone can learn something independently. Busuu is an application developed to help one to learn a foreign language, such as the Arabic language. The learning level used on the application used international standards, beginning from beginner level (A1), basic level (A2), intermediate (B1), and advanced (B2). This application is a supply subject matter on an audiovisual form that can increase four skills in the Arabic language (Maharah Kalam, Maharah Istima’, Maharah Kitabah, Maharah Qira’ah). This Busuu application is possible to prepare someone able to communicate with the Arabic language.
