Establishment Of Tasawuf-Based Santri Independence, Technology And Integrated Business

Study of Exploration at Pondok POMOSDA Tanjunganom and Sunan Kalijogo Patianrowo Nganjuk Regency

  • Badrus Tribakti Kediri Islamic Institute
Keywords: Integrated, Business, Technology, Based on Sufism, Independence of Santri


This research seeks to reveal the formation of independence based on Sufism students, technology, and business integrally in Islamic boarding schools. The research was centralized in two Islamic boarding schools namely the Sumber Daya At Taqwa Modern Islamic Boarding School (POMOSDA), Tanjunganom Nganjuk and the Sunan Kalijogo Patianrowo Islamic Boarding School. This research uses a participatory action research (PAR) approach. The researcher explored joint activities in that place starting from the planning, implementation, development and evaluation of products and ways of independence of students. The results of the research can be illustrated that 1) the formation of self-contained sufism self-reliance begins with the formation of strong aqeedah, is supported by mujahadah on a regular basis, purifies oneself with sincerity of work, facilitates others and endures simplicity. 2) Establishment of independence in technology starts from the truth of intention, mastery of theory, technique, and application. In principle, technology is a process originating from nature created by God and then changed and developed by humans and ultimately beneficial to humans. 3) the establishment of independence in the business sector starts from the truth of the principle of the sunnah of the Prophet, namely humans must work, products must be healthy, halal, and prime, dare to communicate, principles of friendship, show benefits for customers, not only for profit oriented.
