The Development of Islamic Education In Singapore
Islamic education plays one of the most important roles in Singapore and it is highly valued, both from the government perspective that stresses the development of human resources as well as the maintenance of cultural and linguistic heritages, and from the ndividual‟s prospective of education as an invaluable avenue of social mobility. This paper attempts to explore the development of Islamic Education in Singapore, especially the transformation taken by madrasah in preparing students both in religious and academic field. The methodology of this study is qualitative in nature. It is a library research and uses historical method in collecting the data. Some relevant literatures and data have been anlysed and presented in this paper. The Islamic education has always been perceived in a negative nuance because of the conservative and traditional education system. The new attempt at modernising Islamic education driven by MUIS (Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura) has succeeded remains in a society.